The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA) requires that postsecondary institutions participating in federal student aid programs make certain disclosures to students. The following information is disclosed to you as a student at South Plains College in compliance with federal law, and includes but is not limited to the Student Right-To-Know-Act disclosures. The Student Right-To-Know Act amends the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA) and requires all institutions of higher education that participate in any Title IV financial assistance programs to disclose the completion or graduation rate of certificate or degree-seeking, full-time students entering those institutions. It also requires two-year colleges, such as SPC, that award athletically related student aid to develop and obtain data on completion or graduation rates. The act sets forth formulas for determining such rates. SPC’s Consumer Information houses the data required by the Student Right-To-Know Act. For additional information, including requesting a paper copy of any of the materials, please visit the indicated websites, or contact the appropriate office directly.

Academic Calendar

Academic Calendar Online
Final Exam Schedule

Academic Course Schedule

Course Schedule

Academic Policies

SPC Catalog
Student Guide
Faculty Handbook


Accreditation and Standing

Admissions Requirement


Career Links

South Plains College Career Services Site

College -Level Core Competencies

Core Curriculum


SPC Complaint Forms

U.S. Department of Education:  how to file a complaint--click here

  • A YouTube video is provided for you here for further assistance and easy how to instructions.
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board of Complaints not Resolved by the College
SACSCOC for Accreditation Compliance Complaints not Resolved by the College
National Center for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA) Student Complaints

Contact Information

Employee Directory
Department Directory

Availability of Information: Office for Student Affairs

Vice President for Student Affairs
Stan DeMerritt, Ph.D.
(806) 716-2568

Copyright/Patent Fair Use Policy

Copyright/Patent Fair Use Policy

Cost Information

Net Price Calculator
South Plains College Tuition and Fee
Residence Halls
College Affordability and Transparency Center
Financial Aid Cost of Attendance
Financial Aid Shopping Sheet
Paying for College
Economic Diversity College Search Tool
College Navigator

Disability Services for Students

Services for Students with Disabilities

Disciplinary Proceeding Disclosures

Housing Policies
Student Conduct and Discipline
Student Guide

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention

Emergency Procedures

Emergency Procedures

Employee Surveys

Survey Results and Data
Reports and Reference
Board Postings

Enrollment Information

Statistical Snapshot
Online Resume for Prospective Students, Parents and Public
College Navigator
Graduates' Employment

Achievement Goals and Results

Texas House Bill 2504

Financial Aid
Applying for Financial Aid
Financial Aid

Immunization Policy
Meningitis Vaccination

Institutional Effectiveness

Institutional Effectiveness

Institutional Profile

About SPC

Loan Information

Entrance Counseling

Master Promissory Note (MPN)

Exit Counseling

Terms and Conditions for Loans

Military Students and Veterans

South Plains College Veterans Benefits Site
Military One Source
College Scorecard
College Navigator
Financial Aid Shopping Sheet
Paying for College
U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs


Mission, Vision, Values

Organizational Diagram

Organizational Chart

Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Policy

C.J. Technology Acceptable Use Policy

Programs of Study and Facilities

Arts and Sciences
Continuing Education
Distance Education
Dual Credit
Health Occupation
Technical Education
Levelland Campus
Reese Center
Plainview Center

Lubbock Downtown Center

Lubbock Career and Technical Center

Refund Information

Refund Policy
Refund Dates Fall & Spring
Refund Date Summer

Residence Life Guide

Residence Halls

Security, Crime and Fire Safety Reports

Security, Crime and Fire Safety Reports are based on calendar years (January - December) and are posted the next October.  

2023 Security, Crime, and Fire Safety Reports

Click here for information regarding Campus Crime Statistics (Clery Act)

Student Achievement Data

Student Achievement Data
Statistical Snapshot
CTE Graduate Placement Data, Perkins Measures, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

Student Athletic Program Data

Athletic Program Participation Rates and Financial Support Data
Statistical Snapshot
Equity in Athletics

Student Records


Student Records

Health and Safety Exemption

Student Surveys

SSI Results

Title IX Policies and Procedures

Sexual Assault / Harassment
Statement of Non-Discrimination
Quarterly Reports

Transfer Policy

Transfer Information

Voter Registration

Voter Registration